Video Video

Stop guessing, start testing - The power of Web Experimentation

We’ve run over 1.8 million web experiments that enable 9,000 leading brands to increase CRO, revenue and engagement.

#3 Unlock the demo video

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Optimizely lagrer og behandler dine personlige data slik vi har beskrevet det i vår Personvernerklæring. Du kan trekke samtykket ditt når som helst.

#1 Getting started

In this video, you’re going to learn what makes our perspective on Web Experimentation so different, how you can use Optimizely to improve your website conversions, and why experimentation is critical to increasing revenue and reducing customer acquisition costs.

#2 Customer success stories

Now that you’ve had an introduction to Web Experimentation, here is your opportunity to learn how major brands such as Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, IBM and The Wall Street Journal are using it - and see the exact results they’re getting.

#3 Unlock the demo video

Now that you’ve got a taste of what A/B testing is and have already seen some success stories, let’s go a bit deeper into Web Experimentation with our demo. We’ll show you how using A/B and multivariate testing to optimize every aspect of your web experience from messaging, imagery and layout, to forms and so much more, can be done.